Julie Ismert Art
Oil and Watercolor Paintings


Short Bio

I am a 73 year old self taught artist and have been painting for 7 years. I started in watercolors and advanced into oils approximately 4 years ago finding I love oils and their versatility.


I found a missing part of myself as I started painting and have immersed myself in the art experiencing a peace I had not had before.  


After losing my Mom in 2015 I felt lost and took up painting to find some way to recover from the grief I felt.  While painting I am lost in another place and time.  I now look at the world around me in a totally different way.  I see shadows and lights and color changes in every scene and try to capture it in my art.  I have found I love painting and every new experience it teaches me.  I look forward to continuing on this journey and constantly learning on the way.

Resume / CV

Self taught, work in watercolors and oil. I can be contacted by email: jlismert26@gmail.com